About the PTO
Our Mission
Our PTO promotes the education and enrichment of all students through school wide activities and support of classroom teachers. All parents/guardians of RMS students are members of the RMS PTO and we encourage you to join us at PTO meetings, volunteer at PTO events and participate in our family donation program (Family Sponsorship Campaign).
Please do not hesitate to contact the PTO with questions or comments.
The RMS PTO is a 503C (non-profit) organization.
Our Goals
The RMS PTO provides programs, financing, and other vehicles to enhance and supplement the School District’s commitment to providing a high-quality education to all students at RMS. With this mission in mind, we endeavor to foster a strong RMS community. We also continuously hope to increase active PTO memberships amongst the families of RMS.
The RMS PTO supports the Cultural Arts Program and the Multicultural Committee at RMS, the various community outreach activities throughout the school year, and social events for our students. The RMS PTO also supports grants that enhance our students’ time at RMS.
Our vision for the school year is to support our principal, Dr. Wiedlich, as he creates a middle school where hopes and dreams are connected! This year’s PTO executive board and board of directors is full of veteran members, with enthusiasm and commitment. Whether you’ve never been an active PTO member or are a PTO participant, let this be the year you join the PTO!
Boards & Committees
The RMS PTO Executive Board manages the affairs of the PTO and is comprised of a minimum of a President, Vice President(s), a Secretary and a Treasurer.
All Officers are elected for a term of one year and all terms commence immediately upon conclusion of the last PTO general meeting of the school year and run until the conclusion of the last PTO general meeting of the following year. Officers have and exercise authority of the Board between meetings of the PTO. The general PTO meetings for the 2022-2023 academic year are scheduled for: Oct. 3, 2022, Feb. 6, 2023, April 24, 2023, and June 5, 2023.
The RMS PTO Board of Directors approve the proposed annual budget each year and be responsible for conducting any business as requested by the RMS PTO Executive Board. The Board of Directors is encouraged to attend PTO meetings and shall consist of members of the PTO and the Principal of RMS. The immediate past President shall be an ex-officio member of the Board. The Board of Directors meetings for the 2022-2023 academic year are scheduled for Oct. 17, 2022, Jan. 9, 2023, Mar. 20, 2023, May 15, 2023 (all beginning at 7 pm).
- Executive Officers 2023-24
- Board of Directors
- Executive Officer Role Descriptions
- Committees and Chairs
- Committee Chair Guidelines
Executive Officers 2023-24
Board of Directors
Executive Officer Role Descriptions
- Controls and manages the property and affairs of the RMS PTO, presiding at PTO general, board, and special meetings
- Leads and supports the RMS Executive Board, Board of Directors, and Chairpersons in their roles
- Engages with RMS Administrators, Faculty members, and the parent community to deliver the PTO’s mission
- Supports and engages in districtwide PTO Initiatives, attend districtwide PTO and RTSD meetings and events as required
- Submits the master calendar of events to RTSD Communications for RMS PTO website updates
Vice President - Committees
- Manages the PTO Calendar of Events, working with Exec Board, RMS staff, and RTSD Communications; assists the President in the performance of their duties as needed
- Leads and supports volunteers - particularly chairpersons - as required to plan and deliver PTO Activities
- Encourages documentation of events and successful handover of duties/roles
- Publishes committee guidelines and Volunteer Sign-Up for PTO roles.
- Submits all PTO announcements, posts, images, calendars, and formatting changes to RTSD Communications for RMS PTO website updates.
Vice President - Communications
- Oversees all RMS PTO Communication vehicles and platforms, assisting the President and other Board members or Committee Chairs in performing their duties as needed.
- Publishes the monthly PTO e-newsletter and send other timely PTO emails
- Coordinates the promotion of PTO events and activities, working with Board members, Committee Chairpersons, and RMS staff
- Manages social media accounts for the RMS PTO
- Attends RTSD Communications Council meetings occurring 4 times/year
Vice President - Website Administrator
- Oversees the PTO webpages on the RMS website
- Uploads content/information onto webpages provided by Exec Board and Committee Chairs
- Works with Vice President - Communications to ensure the landing page is refreshed regularly to reflect current announcements, event highlights, etc.
- Attends (as required) RTSD Communications Council meetings occurring 4 times/year
- Assists the Vice President - Committees in managing the PTO Calendar of Events, with oversight of Facilities request forms
- Keeps minutes of all PTO, BoD, and Special meetings and ensures these are posted to the PTO website
- Arranges for PTO Bylaws to be available/posted on the website to ensure roles and responsibilities are known to all PTO volunteers
- Assists the President in the management of the RMS PTO Gmail account – email and drive.
- Retains ownership of the PTO funds and keep an accurate account of all PTO funds
- Presents a financial report/update at PTO and or BoD meetings and supports the President in requests for PTO Grants
- Works with the President to present a PTO budget for BoD approval in the spring for the following school year
- Manages funding requests, reimbursements, cash boxes, etc.
Committees and Chairs
Please visit our Sign Up Genius for more information about OPEN roles: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0549ADA729A3F85-47417401-rmspto#/
Committee Chair Guidelines
Thank you for volunteering to Chair one of our PTO Committees and join us in the work we do for our school community. Below you will find Guidelines and a Checklist that we hope you will find helpful. Please feel free to contact the VP of Committees if you have any questions.
Communication and Public Relations
Communication vehicles for promoting an event and their frequency include: PTO Communication emails via the VP Of Communications, Monthly Newsletters and the PTO website.
For the sake of message consistency and to avoid problems, all promotion/messaging for your committee’s work must be approved by our VP of Communication.
Confirm the current year approved budget amount for your committee with the PTO Treasurer BEFORE you begin planning your event.
Purchases for PTO events may qualify for sales tax-exemption. Please consult with the treasurer.
Please submit a copy of all receipts. Use the PTO Income/Deposit Report and the PTO Expense Report to submit deposits and request payments.
When dealing with cash /checks at the end of an event, please leave adequate time to have TWO people count the cash/checks together (usually this process can be started well before the end of an event). Return the cash/checks to the Treasurer along with this document signed by BOTH counters as to the correct amount counted and to be deposited. This step is critically important to maintain financial integrity. Checks should be made payable to “RMS PTO.”
Contracts and Tipping
Any contract for services MUST be approved by the PTO President. The original contract will be retained by the PTO Treasurer; a copy of the contract should be kept in the Committee Binder.
Please provide the Treasurer with a copy of any contract and W-9, when applicable. W-9s must be completed when an individual is being paid more than $600 for a service they provide. W-9 form
Tipping for any reason is not allowed. For clarification or questions, please contact the PTO President.
Privacy Policy
Certain committees have Chairpersons and Committee Members. As a Chairperson, you will have your committee members’ contact information so that you can correspond with them about your committee’s work. In an effort to protect everyone’s privacy, please keep in mind that the current RMS PTO policy assures that we will only use the contact information we have for PTO and RMS approved communication purposes. This contact information should not be used for personal solicitation or other interests. We greatly appreciate your cooperation and that of your committee members as we strive to respect the needs of our entire school community.
It is the policy and practice of the PTO to be inclusive and diverse in all our programs and activities. Chairpersons need to make sure their events promote this policy. Committees shall be open to everyone who wishes to contribute. When students are involved, for example in promoting a social event, committees should reach out to a diverse group of students for assistance.
RMS PTO Committee Chairperson Checklist
- Review current budget with PTO Treasurer. Familiarize yourself with any forms that will be used to account for and report income expenses related to your event.
- Review date of event and facilities/equipment use form (as needed).
- Contact all volunteer parents who have expressed a wish to assist and schedule a planning meeting for the entire committee. Note: you should have received this list from the VP of Committees.
- Take Pictures and send to VP of Communications
- Coordinate communication and marketing of your event with the VP of Communications.
- Prepare Newsletter and website announcements: Announcements must be received by the VP of communications by the deadlines posted on the PTO website.
- Prepare Student Bulletin announcement: Send to RMS main office to be posted. Student Bulletins are broadcast daily during lunch on the cafeteria TV; in addition, RMS daily announcements are posted to Schoology.
- Prepare Morning announcement: Contact RMS office staff with exact wording to be read by students.
- Contact Treasurer at least 48 hours prior if you require a “cash box.”
- Ensure supervision/chaperoning or any other volunteer needs are covered (as needed).
- Ensure that there are 2 adults working with the cash box at all times.
- Follow Treasurer Instructions for counting money and closing cash box and submitting Deposit form.
- Submit a copy of all receipts. Use the PTO Income/Deposit Report and PTO Expense Report to submit deposits and request payments.
- All facilities need to be left clean and posters/signs taken down. All materials need to be stored in the PTO Closet at RMS (as appropriate).
- Confirm photographs of the event have been submitted to the VP of Communications.
- Prepare an event recap using this form and a “thank you” note to those who volunteered and send it to PTO VP of Communications for inclusion into the monthly newsletter.
2024-25 Meeting Minutes
PTO Budgets & Treasurer's Reports
2022-23 Budget2021-22 Budget2020-21 (Amended) Budget2019-20 Budget
PTO Years in Review
We have a very active and supportive parent/guardian community which provides us with financial and volunteer support throughout the year.
On behalf of the 2021-2022 RMS PTO Executive Board, we would like to thank the parents, guardians, teachers, staff and Radnor community for their generous contributions and invaluable services. We were able to provide numerous grants to our teachers and staff, as well as support our RMS families in creative and innovative ways.
We are very thankful to our RMS families for their generous donations of me and contributions to the Family Sponsorship Campaign (FSC) , which raised $9,338. In adding on, our fundraising efforts netted another $12,643. Through these funds, we were able to give back!
Our FUNDRAISERS: Total Raised $21,981
- Family Sponsorship Campaign - $9,338
- MTK Directory - $2,000
- Restaurant Nights & Porchfest - $6,910
- RMS Merchandise - $479
- Radnor Spirit Gear - $3,041
- Amazon Smile - $213
Giving Back to RMS Teachers/Staff:
We held two staff appreciation events: one in November 2021 and one in May 2022. We partnered with RMS to promote Kindness Month in April. Finally, we have SPONSORED the following RMS teacher/staff requested grants and monies to support our students: Total grants awarded: $4,450.
- Mr. Halligan’s An -Bullying Assembly - $2,500
- Floor Hockey Equipment Grant - $500
- George Bennie 6th grade Social Studies Presenta on - $250
- Hunger Days for 8th graders - $700
- Mini-THON Sponsorship - $500
Giving Back to Parents and Community:
We have supported our families in the form of virtual, in-person, and community outreach activities. In addition, the RMS PTO PayPal account has helped to collect funds to support the RMS Spring Musical - Matilda, Jr. donating $2,150.
Community Outreach
- School Supplies for RMS Students in Need - $1,141 (September 2021)
- Holiday Gift Cards & Sweatshirts for RMS Families in Need - $2,926 (December 2022)*
- MLK, Jr. Day of Service (January 2022)
Cultural Arts
- Mayhem Poets (November 2021)
- IM Dance (March 2022)
- Chosen Dance at 6/7/8 grade socials (April and June 2022)*
New Family Welcome Committee
- New Family Welcome Luncheon/Coffees (August, September, and October 2021)
- Virtual New to Middle School Meet and Greet (September 2021)
- Joint RHS/RMS New Family Welcome (October 2021)*
Multicultural Committee
- Multicultural Socials (September 2021, November 2021)
- International Week (January 2022)
- Multicultural Potluck open to all Radnor Families (April 2022)
Honor Veterans and Remember the Fallen
- Porchfest and 20th anniversary of 9/11 (September 2021)
- Veterans Day Wall of Honor Tributes (November 2021)
- Veterans and Memorial Day Outdoor Ceremonies (November 2021 and May 2022)
Other New Events
- Back to School Social (August 2021)*
- RMS STEM Night for middle schoolers (December 2021)*
* Annotates a New RMS PTO event.
8th Grade Activities: The RMS PTO sponsored an 8th Grade T-Shirt Design Contest to provide the graduating students a t-shirt to commemorate their me at RMS. In addition, lawn signs were created, so our RMS families could honor their student’s achievement.
Social Media Accounts: The RMS PTO continued to grow our Social Media presence this year. We are on Facebook at Radnor Middle School PTO , Instagram @rms_pto , and Twitter @rmspto_respect .
Communication/Directory: The PTO sends out monthly newsletters, enhancing communication with parents on PTO and Districtwide Initiatives. Our communication tool, Membership Toolkit, has kept our community in touch and focused on our students and their needs. Based on your feedback, we have partnered with RMS to add our PTO updates to the quarterly principal's report.
We HOPE that we can count on your continued support of the PTO and our Radnor Middle School Community!
On behalf of the 2020-2021 RMS PTO Executive Board, we would like to thank the parents, guardians, teachers and staff for their generous contributions and invaluable services during this unprecedented year. During this uncertain time, we were able to provide numerous grants to our teachers and staff, as well as support our RMS families in new and virtual ways.
Fundraising: We are very thankful to our RMS families for their generous donations of time and contributions to the Family Sponsorship Campaign (FSC), which raised $4,300. In addition, our fundraising efforts netted another $4,080. Through these funds, we were able to give back!
Our FUNDRAISERS: Total Raised $8,380
- Family Sponsorship Campaign - $4,300
- MTK Directory - $1,800
- First Day of School Supplies - $505
- Main Point Books Fundraiser - $215
- Radnor Spirit Gear - $260
- RMS Car Magnets - $130
- Giant A+ Rewards Program, Amazon Smile - $1,170
Giving Back to RMS Teachers/Staff: We held two staff appreciation events: one in November 2020 and one in May 2021. We also ran a Staff Member Kindness Project in the spring. Finally, we have SPONSORED the following RMS teacher/staff requested grants and monies to support our students: Total $12,250
- Masks and Lanyards for the RMS Students and Staff - $5650
- CNC Router for the RMS Technology Education Program - $2600
- Reading Olympics - $500
- Mini-THON Sponsorship - $500
- RMS Gardening Club - $1500
- Furniture for the RMS Library - $1500
Giving Back to Parents and Community: We have supported our families in the form of virtual and community outreach activities. In addition, the RMS PTO PayPal account has served as the district-wide clearinghouse for donations that have supported Radnor families in need throughout the school year – from the September Gift Card Drive to the Summer Basket Drive.
- Virtual New Family Welcome (September 2020)
- Virtual Rising 6th Grade FAQ Session (September 2020)
- Veterans Day Wall of Honor Tributes (November 2020)
- MLK, Jr. Day of Service (January 2021)
- International Week (January 2021)
- Virtual New Families Social Catch-Up (February 2021)
- Virtual Career Day Video Project (March to May 2021)
- Memorial Day Recognition (May 2021)
8th Grade Activities: With the school under restrictions, the RMS PTO sponsored an 8th Grade T-shirt Design Contest to provide the graduating students a t-shirt to commemorate their time at RMS. In addition, lawn signs were created so our RMS families could celebrate their student. The RMS PTO is also hosting a NEW Movie Night for the 8th graders to engage in a safe, outdoor social activity before they are off to high school.
NEW RMS PTO Social Media Accounts: The RMS PTO established a social media presence this year. We are on Facebook at "Radnor Middle School PTO" and on Instagram @rms_pto.
Communication/Directory: The PTO sends out monthly newsletters, enhancing communication with parents on PTO and Districtwide Initiatives. Our communication tool, Membership Toolkit, has kept tour community in touch and focused on our students and their needs.
We HOPE that we can count on your continued support of the PTO and our Radnor Middle School Community!
On behalf of the 2019-2020 RMS PTO Executive Board, we would like to thank the parents, guardians, teachers and staff for their generous contributions and invaluable services. With your support, we were able to provide numerous enrichment activities for our middle school students, support to our RMS families and others across the district, and aid our teachers and staff. It was a great year under the new leadership of our principal, Dr. Wiedlich.
FUNDRAISING: We are very thankful to our RMS families for their generous donations of time and contributions to the Family Sponsorship Campaign (FSC), which raised $8,300. In addition, our fundraising efforts netted another $2,400. Through these funds, along with our proceeds from ongoing programs, we were able to give back!
Our FUNDRAISERS: Total Raised $15,610
- Family Sponsorship Campaign - $8300
- MTK Directory - $2500
- First Day of School Supplies - $560
- Wayne Porchfest - $260
- Main Point Books Fundraiser - $340
- Paola’s/Christopher’s/Anthony’s Dine Outs - $640
- Spirit Day Pretzels - $600
- Radnor Spirit Gear - $590
- Notepads, Car Magnets, Pockets, Phone Wallets - $620
- Giant A+ Rewards Program, Amazon Smile - $1,200
Giving Back to RMS TEACHERS/STAFF and DISTRICT: We have SPONSORED the following RMS teacher/staff requested grants and activities both within RMS and around the district: Total $5,210
- 8th Grade vs. Hunger Day Program - $1,200
- Nurse’s Office Supplies - $110
- George Bennie Presentation to 6th Grade Social Studies Classes - $250
- RMS Mini-THON Sponsorship = $500
- RMS Fall Luncheon for Teachers and Staff = $500
- RHS Post-Prom Sponsorship = $250
- MLK, Jr. Day of Service = $500
- RTSD Speaker Series = $1,500
- RTSD International Week (Presentations to 8th Graders) = $400
In addition, we have provided support for the RMS American Heart Challenge (10/18/2019 -with snacks), the RMS 6th Grade Bottle Project Convention (12/18/2019 – with building escorts), and the RTSD District Wide Orchestra Concert (2/6/2020 – with snacks).
We have hosted (or co-hosted with the RMS administration) the following RMS SOCIAL and CULTURAL ARTS events:
- Where Everybody Belongs (WEB) social for 6th graders (9/5/2019)
- Alex London, Author Visit (9/25/2019)
- 7th/8th Grade Mixer (10/4/2019)
- Halloween Celebrations across all grades (10/31/2019)
- Cello Fury, Musical Performance (11/12/2019)
- 7th Grade Social (2/28/2020)
Giving Back to PARENTS AND COMMUNITY: We have supported our families in the form of social activities and community outreach activities. In addition, the RMS PTO PayPal account has served as the district-wide clearinghouse for donations that have supported Radnor families in need throughout the school year – from the Thanksgiving Basket Drive to the Holiday Gift Card Drive to the Grocery Gift Card Drive due to the Covid 19 shut down.
- New Parent Coffee (9/10/2019) and Social (10/17/2019)
- Multicultural Committee Meet and Greet (10/15/2019)
- Around the World Potluck Dinner (11/8/2019)
- Thanksgiving Basket Drive and Turkey Trot (in November 2019)
- Holiday Gift Card Drive (in December 2019)
NEW this Year: There are three (3) new committee leadership positions that have been established this year.
- Green Team Liaison for a district-wide team with an initial focus to explore ways of reducing single use waste at school/PTO events and to work with the district to look at more 'green options’ for our schools
- Mini-THON Liaison to serve as a point of contact for RMS PTO communication for the spring school-wide fundraiser
- Veterans and Memorial Day Chair to lead our efforts to recognize our service members on Veterans and Memorial Day
8th GRADE RECOGNITION: With the school shut down, the RMS PTO sponsored an 8th Grade T-Shirt Competition to provide the graduating students a t-shirt to commemorate their time at RMS. In addition, lawn signs were created so our RMS families could celebrate their student.
COMMUNICATION/Directory: The PTO sends out monthly newsletters, enhancing communication with parents on PTO and Districtwide Initiatives. Our communication tool, Membership Toolkit, has kept tour community in touch and focused on our students and their needs.
We have a very active and supportive parent community which provides us with financial and volunteer support throughout the year. We had 5 PTO executive officers and a total of 14 members on the PTO Board of Directors.
Our FUNDRAISERS: Total Raised $16,200
- Family Sponsorship Campaign
- Wayne Porchfest
- RMS Graduation Seats
- Directory
- 4th Annual Ice Skating Fundraiser
- Bake Sales
- First Day of School Supplies
- Giant A+ Rewards Program
- Spirit Gear
We have SPONSORED the following RMS teacher/staff requested grants and activities both within RMS and around the district: Total $5,682
- Hunger Days ($1,000)
- Book Collection ($1425)
- School Speaker Ryan's Story ($950)
- Children's Book World ($732)
- Supplies for the school nurse ($125)
- Mini-thon ($500)
- George Bennie ($250)
- RHSSF ($200)
- Hoops for Heart ($200)
- Post Prom ($200)
- Bus Driver Appreciation ($100)
- Contribution towards bicycle accessories for retiring RMS employee ($400)
We have sponsored the following SOCIAL events:
Socials for each grade (6th , 7th, 7&8th grade mixer)
- WEB social for 6th graders
- Halloween celebrations
- 8th grade Recognition Reception
We have sponsored the following RMS PTO Funded Committees & Initiatives:
- The Multicultural Committee is one of the most active committees in the PTO. The main initiative is to foster and promote our wide and diverse community with educational, social and family activities. Activities this year included a New Family Luncheon, Coffee Social, Around the world potluck dinner, Country Presentation day 8th Grade, and New Family Social.
- Teacher and Staff Appreciation through RMS teacher and staff luncheons in the fall and the spring and support of the bus drivers.
- Cultural Arts Program made possible by the Family Sponsorship Campaign, funding Jordan Soneeblick, Audio Body, and Chosen Dance assemblies.
- District Wide Initiatives include the Speaker series, the MLK Day of Service and the Thanksgiving Day Basket Drive.
We COMMUNICATE with out parent/guardian community by:
- Monthly newsletters (calendar. Up-to-date school/district events)
- Send emails for upcoming events and notifications
- Work with RTSD’s communications office
We have participated in the Alliance For Safe Kids (ASK): ASK hosted two (2) meetings this year an Social Media and Anti Bullying Expert, Dr. Lynne Edwards, Professor of Media and Communication Studies at Ursinus College, is a cyber-safety researcher and scholar. Also, Marty Matika Author and Speaker and Teen Therapist who spoke on achieving balance in a modern world, with sports and school.
All Grants funded through the support of the Family Sponsorship Campaign.
- Friendship bench and speaker ($2,500)
- Reading Olympics ($2,300)
- Junior Library Guild Subscription ($1,034)
- 8th grade Hunger days community outreach activity ($1,000)
- Inspirational speaker for the 6th grade ($250)
- Supplies for the school nurse ($100)
- Furniture for Auditorium ($445)
- WEB Professional Training and WEB social ($2,550)
- Previous Reading Olympics Grants ($1,170)
We have a very active and supportive parent community which provides us with financial and volunteer support throughout the year. We have 5 PTO executive officers and a total of 20 members on the PTO Board of Directors.
- Family Sponsorship Campaign ($15,400)
- Directory ($3500 in directory sales)
- 2nd Annual Ice Skating Fundraiser – ($500)
- Kona Ice Truck Fundraiser on 5/24
- Bake Sale on 6/9
- Giant A+ Rewards Program (will know in June)
We have SPONSORED the following RMS teacher/staff requested grants:
- Friendship bench and speaker ($2,500)
- Reading Olympics ($2,300)
- Junior Library Guild Subscription ($1,034)
- 8th grade Hunger days community outreach activity ($1,000)
- Inspirational speaker for the 6th grade ($250)
- Supplies for the school nurse ($100)
- Furniture for Auditorium ($445)
- WEB Professional Training and WEB social ($2,550)
- Previous Reading Olympics Grants ($1,170)
We have provided FINANCIAL AND VOLUNTEER support for the following events:
- Hosted and promoted speaker Rosalind Wiseman in collaboration with all five RTSD PTOs/PTSA
- Three Cultural Arts assemblies: 1.Kwame Alexander (author), 2. Ginga Brasileira (Brazilian dance troupe), 3. Chariot of the sun (Greek Mythology Show)
- Continued training for WEB (Where Everyone Belongs) staff training
- Multicultural committee: speaker on diversity, ELL picnic - Spring, International potluck - Fall (240 people attended)INTERNATIONAL WEEK: Parent speaker presentations on 11 different countries (India, China, England, Scotland, Spain, Italy, Russia, France, Dominican Republic, Korea, Armenia) to the 8th grade, morning announcements in a foreign language, cultural videos during advisory periods, international menu in the cafeteria including cuisines from China, Germany, France, Italy, Japan and Poland.
- First Day School Supplies – organized and distributed pre-packed school supplies for students with online orders
- Three socials for each grade (6th , 7th, 7&8th grade mixer)
- WEB social for 6th graders
- Two welcome socials for “New to district” families
- Two Staff Appreciation luncheon during fall conferences (Fall and Spring)
- Halloween, holiday and super bowl celebrations
- 8th grade Recognition Reception
Our COMMUNITY OUTREACH programs have included:
- Organizing and distributing Thanksgiving Baskets
- Participated in the first district-wide MLK Jr Day of Service
- Spirit Gear Clothing Drive
- Pretzels for Autism Fundraiser – Donated $350 to “Brandon’s Voice”
We COMMUNICATE to our parent/guardian community by:
- Sending out monthly newsletters (calendar, up-to-date school/district events, website links) during the school year (45% open rate across al three grades)
- Send “E-mail” blasts for upcoming events
- Work with RTSD’s communications office to provide information for the weekly E-reader and district website
- HEALTH AND WELLNESS COMMITTEE: It will focus on providing students with information on healthy lifestyles, meditation/yoga, exercise and food selection. We have already started a food tasting program during lunch where students are able to try a “healthy” new snack (i.e. red pears).
- ALLIANCE FOR SAFE KIDS (ASK): A collaborative committee between parents, administrators, Radnor Township Board of Health and Police Department, and REF that will meet for the first time this year in the Spring to promote positive life choices. The first meeting was held on March 31st. Lt Flanagan spoke to parents about many topics including: student safety, partnerships between parents and the Radnor police, social media and more. Our second meeting was on May 30th and was held in conjunction with the RHS PTSA ASK committee. Speakers from Minding Your Mind will spoke about the Netflix series “13 Reasons Why”.