Anti-Bullying Program
On this page you will have the opportunity to assist with bringing about positive change in the RMS community. Like most public educational environments, bullying is a problem at RMS. Although it would be easier and more pleasant to pretend otherwise, too many of our students are suffering everyday.
This page serves as the launch pad into deeper exploration of other resources. You may report bullying electronically (anonymously, or not); and by taking the time to explore the links provided, you can also learn more about our anti-bullying efforts.
RMS Anti-Bullying Efforts
Definition of Bullying Behavior
Bullying occurs when one or more students routinely or repeatedly threaten, harass or intimidate one or more students through words or actions. Bullying shall mean pervasive unwelcome verbal, written, physical or emotional conduct directed at or about a student by another student.
Bullying behaviors (direct or indirect) include three (3) forms: physical, verbal/written, and emotional. Some examples of bullying are as follows, but are not limited to:
- Physical - hitting, kicking, spitting, pushing, stealing and/or damaging personal belongings, sexual acts, and invasion of another's personal space in an aggressive manner.
- Verbal/Written - taunting, malicious, teasing, name-calling, making threats, and sexual innuendo/remarks including via phone and/or internet cyber bullying
- Emotional - spreading rumors, manipulating social relationships or environment, engaging in social exclusion, extortion, ridiculing, and intimidating.
A bullying behavior has the effect of insulting or demeaning any student or group of students in such a way as to cause disruption in, or interference with the orderly operation of the school.
The term bullying shall not be interpreted to infringe upon a student's right to engage in legally protected speech or conduct.
Reporting Bullying Behavior
As a school community, we aim to make reporting easy and safe and have multiple convenient ways to report.
Students can report bullying electronically using the form below or they may print, complete and return a paper form (available in PDF or Word document) to assistant principal Dr. Doug Kent in person or via email.
All information provided will remain strictly confidential.
Cyber Bullying
Our students continue to be harassed on-line. There are many dangers occurring in the cyber world. Unknown predators are ever-present trying to entice students to make ill-advised connections. There are also familiar classmates who are using their keyboard and the internet as a vehicle to bully their peers, otherwise known as cyber-bullies. Students have shared with us disturbing strands of gross, vulgar, and violent text messages transmitted on-line. Another disturbing trend is the number of our students using social networking sites to expose themselves in less appropriate ways. Social networking sites (Face book, Twitter, and/or InStagram, for example), when misused, have expanded the arena for which students can be harassed or bullied on-line. As adults, we all need to be aware of how students (our children) are using the internet. The link below is a nice tool to learn more about cyber bullying in general.
What's Next, And Where Do We Go From Here?
We will continue to assess the effectiveness of our anti-bullying efforts by actively seeking additional ways to collaborate with parents, using our RMS PTO as a bridge.
This is a cyclical process.
We will continue the school-wide bullying lessons every school year. We will continue accessing a proven curriculum developed by Dr. Dan Olweus. Counselors and physical education/health teachers will continue to facilitate these lessons in pairs.
We will continue to make reporting as safe, and convenient as possible. Additionally, online reporting with the option to remain anonymous will also continue, along with the ongoing assessment and improvement of forms and procedures, where appropriate.